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pH Buffer Solution pH 4.01 Trans Instruments (90 ml)

Brand : Trans Instruments
SKU Produk : I03K033SK0151JP1774P11296

Rp. 175.000,- / Botol

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Calibration Standards are an important part of the measuring system. Without which, the measuring meter is redundant. Trans Instruments makes its best efforts in adhering to strict standards of conformance to the National Institute of Standard Test Methods (NIST). These solutions are tested against instruments calibrated against certified standards. Each standard solution is made in soluble form, sealed and date coded to ensure the highest quality and accuracy when delivered. Never compromise with using power form standards which require mixing and handling

    Description CAL pH 4.01 Standard pH Buffer Solutoin
    Package 90ml
    Applicable Calibration for Product Senz pH tester, Senz pH Pro UnipH testa, All Portable & Bench pH meter

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